Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Japantown Disaster Preparedness Town Hall Meeting

Japantown Preparedness Town Hall Meeting at Yu-Ai Kai
Yesterday we had our Japantown Disaster Preparedness town hall meeting, and it was such a success!  We had almost forty people in attendance, and the speakers were both interesting and informative.  Thank you to Rich Saito and Jim McClure for speaking about what and what not to do during a disaster.  We’d also like to thank Dr. Martin Griss from Carnegie Mellon University for coming to talk about their Disaster Management Initiative which focuses on how we can use smartphones to connect with people in the event of a catastrophe where communication is limited.  

L to R: Kelly, Mr. Saito, Dr. Griss, Mr. McClure, & Michelle 

Also, thank you to those who attended as well as all of the JCCsj board members.  We really appreciate your support and guidance with this project. Finally, thank you to Yu-Ai Kai for graciously providing a venue for our meeting, PG&E for support with the JCCsj preparedness efforts, and to Roy’s Station for donating coffee.
NCI Interns with Japantown Community Congress of San Jose Board Members
We have been working on organizing this meeting since the beginning of our internship, and it was great to see our efforts paying off.  We hope that everyone in attendance was able to take away useful information and can prepare themselves and the community for a disaster.

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